and i came with a mission... to get as many AA (or maybe AAA) as possible! and composed a list for that purpose only. here's the list... (diff = difficult, exp = expert, cha = challenge)
- CHAOS diff
- Fascination ~eternal love mix~ diff
- Fascination MAXX diff
- NGO diff
- PARANOiA Survivor diff
- The legend of MAX diff
- TRIP MACHINE PhoeniX diff
- Blind Justice ~Torn souls, Hurt Faiths~ exp
- BRILLIANT 2U (Orchestra Groove) exp
- era (nostalmix) exp
- Healing Vision exp
- Healing Vision ~Angelic mix~ exp
- 木星~組曲『惑星』より exp
- PARANOiA exp
- Poseidon exp
- 桜 exp
- Saturn exp
- Uranus exp
- Venus exp
- Xepher exp
- 華爛漫 (Flowers) exp
- DoLL cha
- SEXY PLANET (from Nonstop Megamix) cha
and that's why i prepared 17 credits for all that!
actually, IDR 2500 is one credit, that means 17 credits is IDR 42500
but i got it for IDR 40000 only!
it's not because i'm in good terms with the cashier (or whatever i should call her, and every time i went there the cashier is always female) but because if you buy coins (yes coins) at least IDR 25000 you get two for free!
note that IDR 2500 = 2 coins = 1 credit.
that means IDR 40000 = 32 coins = 16 credit, + bonus 2 coins = 17 credits!
but keep that for later because i wanna talk about the journey before that. it's not all that important except a little traffic jam i got into. after that nothing important happened.
my calculations were right. i brought 2 bottles of water from my house. and i bought another one (600 ml) there, it was only IDR 990! it was enough to last me 54 stages (count ES and EES. it's not just 17×3)
and the things worth noting are:
- almost PFC ECSTASY. (2 greats. shoot) didn't expect this though.
- lasted MAX 300 exp and i was depleted of water supply and got A
- passed Healing-D-Vision exp (actually it was really easy. the 16th/8th quantization threw my rhythm pretty good) and got B
- i got 19 AAs targeted out of 31 planned.
- got AA for Pluto exp when i didn't expect that
extra explanation for Pluto, when i got to the extra stage (note that i got only one battery life) i didn't know what song to choose from those red songs, 'coz i'm not sure (in fact, they're 10 footers all except NGO) and i didn't want to repeat Pluto. so, i chose random expert x1.0 note.
the metal door closes. the song banner shows.
oh shoot. this is 10 footer. i haven't tried this song, and so, didn't know my capabilities. which means can't AA, or even FC it, and considering my battery life (only 1) = 100% failure.
and that's true. (i didn't even reach the 340 BPM part) there's also 8 extra AAs that i didn't plan. and the machine was dominated by me though. that's why no one else played lol.
and i also forgot what time i got home. however, before that, let's talk about the journey home.
no notable traffic jam....
actually there was traffic jam. but it wasn't dense.
and i got some nice pic here (click for bigger size).
nice balance there, sir!
and some other pics, but i didn't upload it...
now, the DDR pics... click for bigger version.
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