Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Journey Report (29 December 2010)

so i went to PIM, playing DDR with Adryan, Afi, Aldo, and Atina (sitta)

unusually, i got there first. i spammed my edits to the machine, played all the edits and got them into the machine ahaha

got AA on my edit of SABER WING. also got B on Healing-D-Vision S-CHA, thanks to shuffle. played jubeat also. i did want to play V7, but my intention to play edits override that lol

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Journey Report (25 December 2010)

Merry Xmas!

okay i got to PIM again, and directly checked out Fun World. well, still main same, there's jubeat RIPPLES, DJMAX Technika 2, MOZARC, GuitarFreaks & DrumMania V7, DanceDanceRevolution X. was hoping for X2 though.

i tried out the jubeat and DJMAX (forgot to try MOZARC) and played X then. i played X only songs most of the time, since after that i played SN2. played Trigger, Horatio, on the bounce, SABER WING, Taj He Spitz...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Journey Report (21 December 2010)

well, i didn't bring camera. damn it. reason follows.

so i went there to check out the SN2 machine.

first i depart and bought mineral water, also tried teh ice cream MAGNUM.

it's pretty good, the chocolate is also nice. but i shouldn't bought the classic :P

let's see, i had contradicting situation with the magnum. compare...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

epic randomness

imagine this conversation ever happened.

(* warning, over usage of help *)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Journey Report (16 December 2010)

it was from noon till midnite, and i slept at my friend's, and went back at 6.

all that happens, i got my best achievement today! (though i believe it should be a pass) and it was just as we finished playing.

i didn't play much, as i spammed lots of the same song, and my credit that i got from the voucher (from 28 Nov) was already depleted... so it's gonna be hard :P

in the end i got 3 AAAs...

Journey Report (10-11 December 2010)

uhh... i'm not sure about the date, but i guess it's right.

so i went to gandaria city, and guess what? the X machine is still broken. bummer.

thus i went to margo city, got some SN2 goodness and then stayed over there, played stepmania, transferred some simfiles. ah... the lack of things to be reported. to make it short i just post some pictures here. got some goodness on the first day, and another kind the next one.

which was...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Journey Report (04-05 December 2010)

first report of december!

yeah it took two days, just for DDR! i stayed over at my friend's, and pretty much what we did was DDR-ing. but mainly i got several things out of those 2 days.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Journey Report (28 November 2010)

yay! report!

it's DDR competition! finally! it was from 11 till 6, and was lots of fun!

i will go through some of it.

the system was overall ranking, first, 10 people are taken, then 5 and then 2.

for the first qualification, the song was...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Journey Report (16 November 2010)

yay finally DDR!

but know that i went from home about maybe 5 o'clock. and that's real late. and i arrived something past 6. oh man. i really tried out my MA and PA, and pretty much got 2 PFCs. tried other courses too (TRICK, Japanesque and GRAND CROSS ver GOLD).

those PFC was Dynamite Rave ("AIR" Special) on Doubles and Jupiter the Bringer of Jollity on S-Basic (lol)

Thursday, October 28, 2010


long time not touching this blog... but i went to play some ddr several times, too bad no documentation.

also i finished pokémon black quite a long time ago... in just 18 hours. soon i'll be posting the log.

i advanced to the national level, now i'm officially a national candidate :D yayz!

but just wait, soon i'll be busy, and after that i'll be posting a shitload of things XD

oh yeah, i'm planning to make another story. so wait for that too!

over and out!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pokémon Black Journal 03

picking up from where i left off...
  • Got TM94 (Rock Smash)!
  • I caught Otamaro! It held a Persim Berry
  • Inside the forest, Arti appeared again. I delved deep in the forest to retrieve the bone.
  • Found TM86 (Grass Knot)
  • Plasma grunts began appearing all over the place. Knocked them out.
  • The last one, beaten that also, and then someone named Ashura (アスラ) shows up and took the grunt away. But not before I got the dragon bone back.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pokémon Black Journal 02

second batch of journal (or maybe log?)!
  • Defeated wild Yorterrie and Minezumi, leveled up to level 9!
  • Defeated a Choroneko, found a potion, then defeated a Yorterrie.
  • First trainer battle! Defeated his Minezumi! Leveled up, now level 10.
  • Another trainer battle, defeated Choroneko & Yorterrie. Leveled up to level 11. Learnt Water Sport (みずあそび).
  • Fought Bel at the end of route 2. Won. Defeated Yorterrie & Pokabu.
  • Arrived at Sanyou City

Pokémon Black Journal 01

so yeah, i got my Pokémon Black today. i'll report up the progress here, it will be short points. :P
  • Received Mijumaru!
  • Bel and Cheren challenged me (consecutively).
  • Beat them all, Mijumaru got to level 6.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Journey Report (15 September 2010)

okay this is gonna be fast, make sure you keep up. you got the faucet, you got the lever, you lift the-

that's just copying from nigahiga, if you know which, but set that aside. the first line is true, though.

went to Gandaria City (again) to play DDR X, real quick. met absolutely no one i knew. and spent like... 15 credits?

basically, here what it was...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Journey Report (11 September 2010)

phew... finally i got around my laziness and finally wrote this report.

i planned to go to Gandaria City to play with 7121DSP, and i went at maybe 11.45ish, and arrived there about 12.15. i spotted a pair of pro DDR players, and i spent time playing with them for some time until one of them (actually he's 3x0t1c m4n) recognized me :P

the other one turned out to be boomba. several credits later, another guy showed up and i asked him.

"are you from ZIv?"


"are you 7121DSP?"

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Tomorrow we (well, Muslims) will celebrate Eid ul-Fitr! Today marks the last day of the holy month Ramazan, and I made a banner (well, Indonesian) to commemorate this!

Minal 'Aidin wal-Faizin!

After this, expect longer reports, as I can play DDR at noon now. XD

Over and out!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Journey Report (04 September 2010)

actually, this is not the first DDR game of the month, YESTERDAY (03 September 2010) i went for a short game. talk about conjecturing and disproving something real quick.

i forgot the times, but i went through the more or less same way as the last report to Gandaria City.

it's almost the same, what's different is that i got to try my edit of On The Break! it's a 15 footer though.

at first (maybe at 19.40s or something) the arcade was kinda crowded (not really). some mom bought credits with a debit card. and that took sooo long so i played first.

a clueless father chose doubles for his daughters, thinking it was versus. and they failed miserably on the MOON.

Friday, September 3, 2010

XYZt. (pt. 2)

the continuation of the previous one (obviously). here we go!

“Uhh… who are you?”

“’sthat a rhetorical question? I know you know the answer.”

Turning to Mike, he talked again, making the trialogue similar to a combined dialogue.

“Ugh… she’s right now what should I do?”

XYZt. (pt. 1)

finally i got my lazy self over and pasted it here. somehow the story got very, VERY long when my original intent was to make it as short as xyzT. oh yeah, if there's anything weird, it's either intentional (not fitting grammar but still correct) or accidental (typo or wrong spelling/grammar). i hope there's no error though.

A cube was handed to an unknown man. He observed every single bit of it. Then, it started.

Appearing as a blur, his hands moved extremely fast. As if nothing happened, he returned the cube back to the owner. Slight changes had appeared though, as the cube had uniform colors now.

“Great job on speedsolving, dude!”

“Ah, it was nothing. Really!”

With a flash of light, everything disappeared from the man’s sight.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Journey Report (29 August 2010)

yeah. shortest interval between DDR sessions.

just very sudden because out of the blue Afi messaged me to play at Blok M Plaza. thus, this report shall be short also.

i think i arrive at...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Journey Report (27 August 2010)


after i reached home (it was maybe 6-ish 7) and i went to gandaria city at 8 pm or less maybe.


Journey Report (23–27 August 2010)

here goes. the almost 5 long days report. this ramazan camp had me go to cianjur (puncak).

that's a good thing. mainly it's all cold there.

okay, let's start!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Journey Report (21 August 2010)

destination : Bintaro Plaza
time of departure from home : 17.00
time of arrival to home : 22.00
duration : 5 hours

actually, not really 5 hours of playing...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Journey Report (14 August 2010)

destination : Cinere Mall
time of departure from home : 16.15
time of arrival to home : 22.15
duration : 6 hours


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Journey Report (09–10 August 2010)

no it's not a 2 days long journey. just the first one was too short to post. oh yeah, i will post some how to soon.

09 August 2010

so... i went to Cinere Mall. i wanna try the SN machine there, with hopes that no score recorded that's over 9 999 999. (read: PFC, i.e. 10 000 000 or 100% DP) okay i successfully put...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Journey Report (07 August 2010)

finally, the first report for August. school life is prohibiting me from creating many reports, plus the budget cap, so there.

as usual, i went to margo city with AdeS., but there were 2 different things.

1. i went straight from my school (dormitory)
2. my aunt graciously brought me to Depok, i just need to take an angkot instead of a bus for half the price!

yeah, right now i'm having 5 days holiday (actually, only 3 but it's right next to sat & sun anyway) because of the first days of Ramadan. and i was late for about...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

XYZt. [Preview]

yeah, avoiding death of this blog. and a few days after this (a week or two maybe) i'll have my holiday and i'll keep this up to date, as in school i had almost no time to write anything.

okay, actually i intended to make xyzT. just a single lone story, but somehow i feel that it's not complete without it's complement (common sense), so here goes the beginning part of XYZt.!

Friday, July 23, 2010

a bit of talk & notice

so yeah, now i'm back in dormitory and just got to write it 6 days after that happened. actually i want to be able to type more in this post, so yeah. and "dream 04." should follow real soon after this. i'm getting lazy these days...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Report Journey (15 July 2010)

again, i went to margo for DDRing with AdeSeptian. like the previous report, i arrived earlier then Ade & co.

so, in the meantime, i played 3 courses consecutively.
  1. GRAND CROSS version GOLD (challenge)
  2. Victory or Defeat (nonstop)
  3. GRAND CROSS version SILVER (nonstop)
then after several credits, he appeared.

okay, there's not much thing to write, except that he got lots of AAAs, and I got...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

rant about rates and fees.

uh, i didn't get all the infos i need for constructing the numerical part of this thematic mathematical rant. so i just put in examples, and before that i calculate algebraically.

here goes!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Journey Report (08 July 2010)

another belated report... caused by my laziness...

i went to Istora Senayan for one thing (plus another hidden), which was to participate in a math competition! okay i'll post the problems later.

actually it started at 10 am, BUT (yeah, a big but), my aunt delivered me there with my friend at 8 am. we went from home at 7 am.

so, what do we do for roughly 2 hours?


Journey Report (07 July 2010)

okay, i know this is a bit late. and the day i went for this coincide with the release date of DDR X2 in Japan. let's start.

there were nothing wrong with the journey there, but it took quite a long time.

me and the legendary AdeSeptian decided to meet there...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

dream 03.

the third installment in my dream series. this one is pretty consistent me thinks.

let's start, shall we?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

rant about handwash soap

all right now i feel like i want to make some little calculation after seeing a handwash soap advertisement. they say that washing your hands with that soap eradicates 99.99% of the bacterium that exist there, so let's calculate a bit.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

dream 02.

yeah, this dream is so messed up that i don't know how and why. why would my companion showed up in the end? he was like popped out of nowhere.

anyway, i was wondering why i was writing this near my time of sleep, which this may provoke another dream. oh well. here goes...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Journey Report (30 June 2010)

yesterday, by the end of the month, i decided to go to play some more @ Blok M Plaza! yays!

and i came with a mission... to get as many AA (or maybe AAA) as possible! and composed a list for that purpose only. here's the list...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

dream 01.

this post will be about my dream.
oh, i doubt i'll have a collection of over 9000 99 dreams. this will kinda be a DJ also.
it's true that
  1. i dreamt it full english
  2. sorry it's pokémon related.
  3. text in italic means either it was thought in mind or telepathy.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Journey Report (25 June 2010)

yup. just like 12 days ago when i went to bintaro plaza, the computer messes up right when i finish the report. now i just write the main points. because i don't have time to lose if my damn computer dies. i'll add the abbreviation meanings if i have time. or just google it.

here goes...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

messenger, anyone? (it's AFS time!)

it's not a journey, but a report nonetheless...

awright i went for the third part of AFS (indonesia, INAYPSc) selection, against 149 (or less) other tenth graders. well, i got some new friends anyway.

according to the website...

Friday, June 18, 2010


“It’s beautiful…,” he said.

With its glow, the diamond-like bluish jewel amazed the old man, as it glittered in the sunlight. It managed in fixating the old man’s eyes, as it did a few times long ago.

Still fixated on the jewel, he crossed the road.

Crashing noise echoed through the neighborhood, the old man slammed the ground hard. Cracking of the bones reverberated through his body as life slowly seeped away from him. The precious jewel, unnoticed by everyone though, slipped from his hands.

He reached for it and he grabbed it.

It felt…

Journey Report (17 June 2010)

here it is, another journey report, which is actually an unexpected one...

i departed for re-registration of AFS actually, 3 o'clock, and got there at 3:30 (PM).

scribbled my sig, written the location, stamped my exam card, buh bye!

next location, Blok M Plaza. an unplanned one actually. i wanted to finish my...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Journey Report (10 June 2010)

because i want everyone to be able to read my blog (shortened as internationalism), from now on i'll write full english, okay? (good for my writing skill heheh)

i usually write a "report". every time i went on an outing, i always write a report, anywhere possible. and now, it's about one of my interest, Dance Dance Revolution

yesterday, noon time, i went to "Margo City" (shortened to "margo"). what for? playin' of course with one of my best pal. however she has to go to her university... so... well she didn't play for a long time. we spent playin' double several times and once playin' versus.

awright... there she goes... and now imma playin this alone.

about 15 minutes later...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"It's a square one, but not square" solving method

Okay, this time I wanna make a how-to...

Rubik's? that's too common, now i wanna try making this

into this

for y'all rubik's lovers (that's new to this challenge) the notation will be completely different. i'll show rotations (like all the guides) using a...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the first post

reserved for burying something deep in this blog.
